You've signed a contract with the commercial cleaning company CLEAN X, but to your great surprise, it's the employees of CLEAN Y who are working in your facilities. This may seem unusual, but it's a fact of life in the cleaning industry. Through our many mandates at ValkarTech, we have observed situations where as many as five levels of subcontractors are working under the main cleaning contractor.
What is janitorial subcontracting?
Subcontracting cleaning services is a widespread practice in Quebec. It enables contractors who have won a call for tenders to delegate the performance of services to another operator, who in turn may subcontract to another, and so on. This chain can become complex, leading to major problems in terms of the quality and conformity of services rendered.
Key issues include:
Loss of control over the quality of services.
Potential violations of regulations set by the Comité paritaire de l’entretien d’édifices publics (CPEEP).
Dilution of responsibilities among the various parties involved.
Negative Impacts of a Subcontracting Chain
Dilution of responsabilities : The more subcontractors there are, the less the company carrying out the work feels responsible to the customer. The CLEAN Y company doesn't see you as its direct client, but rather as CLEAN X's client. This makes it difficult to identify who is responsible in the event of a problem..
Distortion of initial quotations: The cleaning requirements and frequencies defined in the initial quotation are often lost in the subcontracting chain, resulting in insufficient, weak or inadequate performance.
Reduced man-hours: Each subcontractor draws a margin from the contract. As a result, resources allocated to actual working hours are reduced, directly compromising maintenance quality.
Confusing communication: When several subcontractors are involved, your claims or requests risk getting lost in a blurred chain of command, complicating problem resolution.
Payments delays: If the original contracting company is slow to pay its subcontractors, this can lead to service interruptions or contractual disputes.
How to Minimize the Risks of a Janitorial Subcontracting Structure?
To guarantee quality cleaning services and avoid pitfalls, here are a few recommendations:
Check the compliance of the contractors with whom you sign contracts, including any subcontractors.
Include specific provisions in your contracts to prohibit or strictly regulate subcontracting.
Work closely with the CPEEP to ensure compliance with legal and contractual standards.
Why Call on ValkarTech?
Subcontracting in cleaning and maintenance is a fact of life, but it doesn't have to compromise the quality of our services. At ValkarTech, our experts can help you:
Draft and analyse your technical specifications
Manage your RFP processes.
Train your teams in hygiene and sanitation best practices and educate them on the proper work methods.
Need more help? Contact us today for advice tailored to your janitorial needs.