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Quality Control 

Ancre 1

Auditing services or temporary replacement of an employee in the Quality Control Department: visual inspections, fluorescence audits, ATP tests, procedure audits

All hospitals, nursing homes and other care centers must regularly perform inspections either in forms of fluorescence audits, procedure audits or ATP (adenosine triphosphate) tests to verify the work of the Hygiene and Sanitation Department. Sometimes, when there are multiple, repetitive or extensive outbreaks, when there are extensive disinfection operations, or when the person in charge of quality control is absent, the number of audits to be performed to be in good standing is much too great for the team in place. ValkarTech can help you fulfill this mandate by providing additional temporary and unbiased resources. Our auditors are certified and experienced. They have experience conducting audits in healthcare settings and know this environment well. Whether it's for a few days, a few weeks or a few months, our team will work with you. Using your own software or ValkarTech's software tools, the results and our recommendations will be delivered to you on time.

ATP Audit Integration Service

ATP audits provide a valuable indication of your performance in removing soils, not just displacing them. Obtaining a good result during a visual inspection or fluorescence audit is fine, but performing well at an ATP audit enables you to affirm the quality of the work done in an objective and scientific manner.  ATP audits must be standardized for your environment and performed according to the rules of the trade. 

You don't have the expertise to set up an ATP audit in your environment and you don't know how to interpret it? Our team is available to assist you.

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