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Hygiene and Sanitation Quality Control

From audit to master plan, ValkarTech provides the keys to success, expertise and innovation in the overall hygiene and sanitation transformation initiative.

In addition, ValkarTech assists and advices on the most suitable IT solutions for quality control, through a user-friendly software that provides real-time reports to managers.

Our quality control program helps standardize service delivery:


  1. Organizational Analysis

  2. Inventory control

  3. Qualification and validation of plans and specifications

  4. Process design and improvement

  5. Improved productivity

Sanitary maintenance quality controls, or audits, are an essential component to include in your contract management or employee management. In fact, it is the only way to objectively assess whether the service rendered is in accordance with the estimate or the given job description. Since the quality of sanitary maintenance is an unstable result that can vary greatly over time, it is important to continually monitor it. Visual inspections should be done on a regular basis throughout the year. Anyone can walk through a building and give an impression of the cleanliness of the premises according to their own standards. But a proper audit, a thorough evaluation of the premises' cleanliness, according to established and measurable criteria, must be performed by a certified and experienced auditor, which relies on a matrix or a properly structured software to achieve a quantitative rather than a subjective evaluation.

To carry out our quality controls, we use a state-of-the-art software system on a handheld device. This allows for more data to be collected and recorded by the hour. From this data, we can generate conclusive statistics per building because the information we dispose of is highly relevant and accurate. This turns a subjective notion into an objective and measurable one.

An expert auditor, accredited by the Mouvement Québécois de la Qualité, will be assigned to your project. He will then collect the information on site, compile and translate it into a report to be submitted with our findings about your building. With the results in hand, you will be able to know exactly what the state of cleanliness of your building is, so that you can make the necessary corrections.

In short, the sanitary maintenance audit is a snapshot of the actual quality and services provided. It is an excellent starting point for managing continuous improvement in sanitation. It provides valuable evidence to negotiate a contract, improve work routes, plan training sessions, purchase new tools, or simply to prove to your board of directors that everything is under control and that the money invested is turning out to be valuable for everyone!


Flash control allows you to quickly obtain a normalized quality index to support the continuous improvement of your processes. Results are impossible to manipulate. Reports are stored and available for consultation at any time by authorized persons. By conducting regular audits, you will have access to past records, to the results, to the cleanliness quality level assessment, to the remarks or complaints for each property individually.

The detailed Flash Control reports can be generated in either English, French or Spanish.

Flash Controle

Flash Control is a tool that sets ValkarTech apart and allows us to excel in helping our clients meet or exceed the benchmark standards in hygiene and sanitation.

With Flash Control, we have the ability to provide in-depth audit reports that demonstrate strengths and weaknesses in cleaning operations, in line with the latest industry trends. The findings allow us to advise you on how to effectively maintain high standards of hygiene and sanitation in your facilities.

Audit multie Plateforme.jpg

In accordance with standard NF EN 13549 

norme européenne EN13549

To guarantee the objectivity and replicability of the inspection, it is important that it be related to a defined norm. For cleaning quality control, it is the European standard EN 13549.

This standard is based on a series of requirements regarding:

  • The objects of control: The various elements to control must be clearly defined.

  • The criteria: The qualitative criteria must be clearly defined for each element.  

  • The criteria assessment: The definition of how each criterion will be measured.

  • Sampling: It should comply with the ISO 2859 international sampling standard.

  • Description of the Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL): in accordance with the customer's needs.

  • The moment of the control: Adapting the criteria (if the control is not carried out immediately after the cleaning services).

  • The report:

    • Must conclude whether the result is compliant or non-compliant;

    • Must allow to identify the non-conformities in a precise way.

The different types of audits 

Visual Auditing

Visual Auditing

The cleanliness of your building is very important as it relates to the overall health of your employees and tenants. Scientific evidence shows that employees are more productive in a clean environment. Customers, on the other hand, prefer to visit clean facilities.  Customer satisfaction depends heavily on the first impression left by the visual appearance of your premises.

Download a typical Visual Auditing report

Fluorescent Marker Auditing

Fluorescent Marker Auditing

The cleanliness of your building is very important as it relates to the overall health of your employees and tenants. Scientific evidence shows that employees are more productive in a clean environment. Customers, on the other hand, prefer to visit clean facilities.  Customer satisfaction depends heavily on the first impression left by the visual appearance of your premises.

Download a typical Fluorescent Marker Auditing Report

Organizational Auditing

Organizational Auditing

« The pursuit of quality naturally leads to higher productivity, while the pursuit of productivity does not lead to higher quality.», according to William Edward Deming, an American teacher, author and consultant.


An important part of the managers' task is to set up performance indicators to reach the desired results. The implementation of a quality control tool to evaluate the state of the sanitation is therefore essential. All custodians must be thoroughly familiar with their respectives areas and have a work plan outlining the areas to be maintained as well as all the tasks to be performed on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Every custodial worker must be trained and skilled to perform the tasks assigned to them so that they understand the potential hazards and know how to work safely around dangerous products.

Download a typical Organizational Auditing Report

Snow Removal Assessment

Snow Removal Assessment

Snow and ice removal operations are critical for site safety. These are hazardous and costly tasks that require specialized equipment and proper work techniques to reduce the risk of injury to workers. It is also time-consuming work that is difficult to plan accurately because it is always tied to the weather! Building owners have the responsibility to clear all building access doors, emergency exits, sidewalks, stairs, ramps, parking spaces, fire hydrants and gathering points, as well as access to garbage containers, roofs, balconies, walkways, ....


Whether snow removal is contracted out or carried out by in-house employees, it is very important to ensure rigorous supervision and monitoring of these operations. Snow and ice accumulations can cause serious injury or equipment damage and even lead to legal action. In the event of accidents, snow removal reports provide evidence of actual operations and maintenance efforts. In addition, snow removal reports are a valuable tool in validating the requirements for contract renegotiation.

Download a typical Snow Removal Assessment

Remedial Action Plan

Remedial Action Plan

In the case of totally unacceptable situations, when the level of non-compliance is such that it represents either serious risks for the health of the building's occupants, or a premature deterioration of surfaces or work tools, an official intervention is required and is expressed in the form of a  Remedial Action Plan.


When an agreement is made by contract between two Parties, it is perfectly reasonable to hope for the expected results and to demand that the commitments be respected. The Remedial Action Plan provides justification by highlighting any discrepancies between the client's expectations and the results obtained, and dictates the course of action to be taken to rectify the situation, while reiterating the operational framework and the expected standards.

Download a typical Remedial Action Plan

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