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Janitorial Audits

Quality Control

Quality control of your janitorial services is an essential component to include in the management of your operations and contractors. The quality of sanitary maintenance can vary greatly over time. It is important to carry out spot checks and regular visual inspections all year round. A commercial janitorial audit provides a quantitative, measurable and objective assessment of the cleanliness of your premises, based on established criteria and recognized standards.

Whether you own or manage an agri-food business or an office building, you probably know how important hygiene and sanitation are for the health and well-being of your employees and customers. If you need a turnkey solution, our experienced and accredited auditors can help.

ValkarTech offers comprehensive hygiene and sanitation audits for small and large companies in various sectors.

Auditing Procedure


Cleanliness Inspection

Cleaning Elevator

Methods & Innovative Equipment


Comprehensive Audit Report

Our experts inspect various areas and different space type categories of your building, identifying non-compliances in terms of hygiene and sanitation that may even pose health and safety risks.

Our advanced inspection methods and state-of-the-art equipment facilitate the identification of risk areas to develop a complete action plan and correct the problems.

We issue detailed, in-depth reports that translate our observations into precise recommendations.

For greater peace of mind

Every business has unique needs.

Whether you need an audit for a specific location, an annual audit plan or a diagnosis of your entire hygiene department, we offer a tailored approach.

Relaxing Outdoor_edited.png

Standardize the delivery of your servicesin 5 steps :

  1. Organizational analysis

  2. Inventory control

  3. Qualification and validation of plans and specifications

  4. Process design and improvement

  5. Improved productivity

Our Audit Services

Let our experts suggest an audit adapted to your reality or choose what best suits your needs.

Flash Control

All our audits are carried out with the Flash Control software which allows you to quickly obtain a standardized quality index to support the continuous improvement of your processes.


The results are impossible to manipulate. Reports are stored and available for any time by authorized persons. With the conduct of regular audits, you will have access to historical records, results, cleanliness quality level assessment, remarks or complaints for each property individually.  


in-depth audit reports that demonstrate strengths and weaknesses in remediation operations, in line with the latest industry work trends. The resulting findings allow us to advise you so that high standards of hygiene and sanitation are maintained within your facilities.

Detailed Flash Control reports can be generated in French, English or Spanish.

In accordance with standard NF EN 13549 

norme européenne EN13549

In order to ensure the objectivity and replicability of the control, it is important that it is based on a defined standard. In terms of cleaning quality control, this is theEuropean standard EN 13549.

This standard is based on a series of requirements concerning:

  • Control objects: The elements must be clearly defined.

  • The criteria: The qualitative criteria must be clearly defined for each element. 

  • The measurement of the criteria: it is necessary to define how each of the criteria will be measured.

  • Sampling: It must comply with the ISO 2859 international sampling standard.

  • The description of the Acceptable Quality Levels (AQLs): in accordance with the customer's needs.

  • Taking into account the time of the inspection: Adaptation of the criteria (if the inspection is not carried out immediately after the cleaning services).

  • The report :

    • Must conclude that the result is compliant or non-compliant;

    • Must make it possible to identify non-conformities in a precise manner.

Visual Audit

The cleanliness of your building is a very important aspect for the overall health of your employees and your tenants. Employees are more productive in a clean place, backed by scientific evidence. Customers, for their part, prefer to frequent clean businesses.  The satisfaction of your customers depends to a large extent on the first impression that the visual appearance of your spaces will leave on them.

Téléchargez un rapport type d'audit visuel

Audit Fluorescence

La propreté de votre immeuble est un aspect très important pour la santé globale de vos employés et de vos locataires. Les employés sont plus productifs dans un endroit propre, preuves scientifiques à l’appui. Les clients, pour leur part, préfèrent fréquenter des commerces propres.

Téléchargez un rapport type d'audit de fluorescence

Audit Technique

« La recherche de la qualité a pour conséquence naturelle une plus grande productivité, alors que la recherche de la productivité n’entraîne pas une meilleure qualité », selon William Edward Deming, professeur, auteur et consultant américain.


Une part importante de la tâche des gestionnaires est la mise sur pied d'indicateurs de qualité du travail afin d’atteindre les résultats souhaités. Le développement d’un outil de contrôle de la qualité, permettant d'évaluer l’état de la salubrité est par conséquent primordial. Chaque préposé doit connaître son secteur à fond et disposer d'un plan de travail décrivant les locaux à entretenir ainsi que toutes les tâches à accomplir quotidiennement, hebdomadairement et mensuellement. Tous les préposés doivent être formés et qualifiés à exécuter les tâches qui leur sont confiées afin de bien comprendre les dangers potentiels et de savoir comment travailler en toute sécurité en présence de produits dangereux.

Téléchargez un rapport type d'audit technique

Audit Déneigement

Snow and ice removal operations are crucial for site safety. These are dangerous and costly tasks that require specialized equipment and well-adapted work techniques to reduce the risk of injury to workers. It is also hard work that takes time and is difficult to plan with precision since it is dependent on the weather! Building owners are responsible for clearing all access doors to buildings as well as emergency exits, sidewalks, stairs, access ramps, parking spaces, standpipes and assembly in case of fire, access to waste containers without forgetting roofs, balconies, walkways, ....


Whether snow removal is outsourced or performed by in-house employees, it is very important to ensure rigorous supervision and monitoring of these operations. Accumulations of snow or ice can cause serious injury or material damage and even lead to legal action. In case of acHowever, the snow removal reports provide an attestation of the operations actually carried out and the efforts made. In addition, the snow removal reports represent a valuable tool by confirming the needs for the renegotiation of annual contracts.

Download a standard snow removal audit report

Corrective Action Plan

During completely unacceptable situations, when the level of non-compliance is such that it represents either serious health risks for the occupants of the building, or premature deterioration of surfaces or work tools; an official intervention is necessary and takes the form of a report of actions.


When an agreement is concluded by contract between two Parties, it is quite normal to wish to obtain the expected results and to demand that the commitments be respected. The share report dgives rise to justifications by highlighting all the discrepancies between the client's expectations and the results obtained and it dictates the directions to be taken to remedy the situation while reiterating the operational framework and the required standards.

Download a typical Corrective Action Plan

Sanitary maintenance quality controls, or audits, are an essential component to include in your contract management or employee management. In fact, it is the only way to objectively assess whether the service rendered is in accordance with the estimate or the given job description. Since the quality of sanitary maintenance is an unstable result that can vary greatly over time, it is important to continually monitor it. Visual inspections should be done on a regular basis throughout the year. Anyone can walk through a building and give an impression of the cleanliness of the premises according to their own standards. But a proper audit, a thorough evaluation of the premises' cleanliness, according to established and measurable criteria, must be performed by a certified and experienced auditor, which relies on a matrix or a properly structured software to achieve a quantitative rather than a subjective evaluation.

To carry out our quality controls, we use a state-of-the-art software system on a handheld device. This allows for more data to be collected and recorded by the hour. From this data, we can generate conclusive statistics per building because the information we dispose of is highly relevant and accurate. This turns a subjective notion into an objective and measurable one.

An expert auditor, accredited by the Mouvement Québécois de la Qualité, will be assigned to your project. He will then collect the information on site, compile and translate it into a report to be submitted with our findings about your building. With the results in hand, you will be able to know exactly what the state of cleanliness of your building is, so that you can make the necessary corrections.

In short, the sanitary maintenance audit is a snapshot of the actual quality and services provided. It is an excellent starting point for managing continuous improvement in sanitation. It provides valuable evidence to negotiate a contract, improve work routes, plan training sessions, purchase new tools, or simply to prove to your board of directors that everything is under control and that the money invested is turning out to be valuable for everyone!

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