Workshop description :
This advanced training approach will allow you to train a small core group of employees (2-3 people) in advanced carpet care techniques. Lack of knowledge and know-how about carpets can contribute to their premature deterioration. A learning session, with a hands-on component in one of your own rooms, allows for the integration of skills and maintenance tips that would otherwise be difficult to teach.
The main objective of this advanced training is to fill in some of the required knowledge and to perform a deep cleaning of the carpets in one or two rooms of your establishment with the active participation of your employees for the integration of the advanced know-how in carpet care.
Main content elements:
An evaluation of your carpet types and planning of the rooms where the practices will be held (1-2 rooms).
Validation of tools, products and the condition of equipment already in place or to be ordered.
A theoretical session to get ready for the practical workshop.
A half-day practical workshop during which the know-how is integrated with the help of an experienced person.
Follow-up coaching to help plan further upgrade.
Learning objectives :
To make an inventory of your various carpet types
Planning of the workload
Validate the tools, products (cleaners, stain removers) and equipment needed for the job
Theoretical session on the knowledge required for carpet maintenance.
Practical execution of the work by integrating the know-how
Upcoming dates:
On demand